News from Pursuit

Mixing security with agility equals boom for business

There is no doubt that data protection is going to be one of the most talked about challenges of 2018. Whatever industry or business you operate within, you are going to need to be aware and compliant with the new Data Protection Regulations. They come into effect in May 2018 and there is no lee-way past that date.

While compliance is causing data protection officers long-lasting headaches, we shouldn’t underestimate the impact that new data security regulations will have on all areas of our business. The question we now need to ask is: “How can a business remain agile and responsive while maintaining robust security and data protection?”

There is a myth currently surrounding many businesses that achieving robust security must be in direct conflict with agility in the marketplace. How many companies do you know who have banned employees from using Facebook and other social media platforms for fear of security breaches?

Of course, any company’s social media ban could also stem from a desire to ensure that employees were not wasting company time on Facebook or Instagram but generally, your marketing department, is likely to need to use social media as a sales and communications platform.

Over the past decade, the role of technology has changed exponentially. It is no longer an assistant to operations, it is the backbone of the operation. Take away the technology and the operation is unlikely to function at all.

This means intrusions, thefts and interruptions to a company’s technology systems is not just inconvenient, it is life-threatening for that company.

Which has created the perfect storm of combining essential technology that is ever-growing and ever-changing with the need for ever-enhanced security.

The only way to minimise the potential for hackers to disrupt or destroy your business, while maintaining an advantage over rivals with your cutting edge technology is to ensure you have a comprehensive and structured approach to security and information.

In other words, you need good tech governance.

This means establishing a comprehensive range of policies and procedures that helps a company deliver and operate their tech to achieve goals and minimise risks. At this point it is worth ensuring that the difference between governance and management is outlined: management are the people who help a company operate within the rules that are in place; governance sets out the rules that should be followed. Good management will ensure all staff are aware of and follow the rules.

With a good tech governance plan in place:

• All staff will understand the ever-evolving tech needs and how these fit into the rules governing data protection and security;
• Staff will be able to help identify technology gaps;
• Any technology used is secure because the technology and its users operate within the rules;
• Staff within the company can identify new technology opportunities and these will be assessed under the tech governance rules.

What this demonstrates is that a company that is agile and responsive to technology needs and operates good technology governance will have the cutting edge over rivals who allow security to overshadow technology or vice versa.

Robust but efficient security and data protection processes help business boom.

Note: Pursuit comes with an industry standard 2018 data encryption for maximum data security